Medipex NHS members
NHS members enjoy access to all of Medipex’s services as part of a cost-effective membership package. Our current NHS members include:
- Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
- Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS Foundation Trust
- Doncaster & Bassetlaw NHS Foundation Trust
- Harrogate & District NHS Foundation Trust
- Leeds and York Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
- Sheffield Children’s NHS Foundation Trust
- Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
- York and Scarborough Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
- Hull University Teaching Hospital NHS Trust
- Mid Yorkshire Teaching NHS Trust
- Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust
- Yorkshire Ambulance Service NHS Trust
- NHS-England (formerly Health Education Yorkshire & The Humber)
- Locala Health & Wellbeing
Supported NHS Organisations include:
- Bradford District Care NHS Foundation Trust
- Leeds Community Healthcare Trust
- Rotherham, Doncaster and South Humber NHS Foundation Trust (RDaSH)
For further details or discuss potential membership, call us now on 0113 397 0830 or send an email to