A Boost for Medtech in Yorkshire

Medipex are proud to have contributed to the development of a successful £5m bid to the EPSRC for a Medtech PBIAA (Place Based Innovation Acceleration Account) and are delighted for our colleagues at the University of Leeds, University of Sheffield and all of the scheme partners that the hard work paid off.

The scheme, based in West and South Yorkshire, will support the translation of university research in medical technologies into new clinical products and services, delivering patient benefit and driving economic growth.
Lindsay Georgopoulos, Medipex CEO says: “We see enormous opportunity in the PBIAA to accelerate impact of the region’s world leading research in medical technologies, and very much look forward to supporting the delivery of the programme. There is a well recognised ‘valley of death’ in funding for early stage translational support, with technologies requiring further derisking and evidence of success from preclinical testing before private sector investment can be achieved. The PBIAA will help bridge this gap, and the engagement of downstream investors, clinical opinion leaders and support bodies will help align projects to maximise the potential for future commercialisation and eventual clinical adoption.”

Please read more about this here:

Boosting Yorkshire Medtech industry (University of Leeds)

Funding Boost Yorkshire MedTech Industry (University of Sheffield)